Media conference on Misox – Ignazio Cassis: “It is a sad day for Switzerland” – News

At a press conference, the Federal Council, the police and the Graubünden and Ticino governments commented on the situation following the landslide.

“It is a sad day for the affected communities, the cantons of Graubünden and Ticino and the whole of Switzerland,” said Federal Councilor Ignazio Cassis at the start of the media conference. The Federal Council expressed its solidarity.

One person recovered dead – the search continues

“The last few hours have been difficult,” said operations manager William Kloter. He provided information on the search for the missing people. “I have to tell you that we recently found a body. The relatives have been informed by us and are now being cared for.”

There is no new news of the other two people. “It is clear that after all the time that has passed, the chances of finding them alive are slim.” The search is continuing at full speed, the mountain rescue team is working with all its strength, dogs and all available technology are being used. Attempts have been made to assess where the missing people might be, and the search area has been adjusted accordingly.

According to operations manager Kloter, 200 people are involved in rescue and cleanup work in the affected area. The area of ​​operation covers around 20 kilometers.

The woman, who was rescued on Saturday morning, has now been able to leave the intensive care unit. Kloter told the Keystone news agency this following the press conference while inspecting the affected area.

Solidarity from Ticino and Graubünden

The President of the Ticino government, Christian Vitta, also expressed his solidarity with the affected population. Nature can be very beautiful, but also very painful, as we have seen.


After the media conference in Roveredo GR, an inspection was planned in Sorte GR, just nine kilometres to the north.

KEYSTONE / Michael Buholzer

The President of the Graubünden government, Jon Domenic Parolini, assured the communities in Misox GR affected by the storm of his cooperation. “The situation on the ground makes me sad and my sympathy goes out to those affected,” said Parolini. He hopes that the missing people can be found as soon as possible.

A13 outage: Solution is underway

The closed A13 and possible measures to prevent traffic chaos were also discussed. On the one hand, the cantonal road should be used primarily for regional and local traffic in Misox. “If international traffic ends up using the cantonal road, then collapse is inevitable several times over,” said Graubünden government president Parolini.

The A13 is only open to residents who, for example, have to travel to work, but not to third parties.

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis explained that the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) would do what was necessary on Monday to solve the traffic problems. He had already spoken to Federal Councillor Albert Rösti on Sunday. The Foreign Ministry would inform neighbouring countries appropriately about the DETEC’s instructions, said Cassis. Time will tell what is possible.

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