Mélenchon believes that Royal’s support “is welcome”

At the heart of the BFMTV program on Thursday evening, the presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon returned to all the subjects, in particular the recent astonishing support of Ségolène Royal. He thanked him, but noted differences of opinion with the former minister of François Hollande.

Guest of BFMTV Thursday in the program “La France dans les yeux”, Jean-Luc Mélenchon answered French people on all subjects. On the support of Ségolène Royal who described his candidacy as a “useful vote on the left”, he thanked him, even if he noted a certain difference in political line. “This support is welcome, who would I be if I started to sort out those who want to vote for the future together? , he retorted.

For the files which concern the daily life of the French, Jean-Luc Mélenchon returned at length to the increase in fuel prices in recent weeks. According to him, freezing prices is the solution. ” It’s possible […] it is in the Commercial Code provided there are exceptional circumstances,” he explained. He recalled that it was possible to do it “immediately” underlining “the emergency situation” that the French are going through and their purchasing power. Regarding pensions, he explained his positions by aligning the minimum retirement pension with a full career on the SMIC which he sets at €1,400.

The candidate also recalled his desire to tax inheritance rights. Above 12 million euros, the state would take all the income if he were president. After the EHPAD scandal, Jean-Luc Mélenchon proposed that we stop making profits on his establishments. He said he no longer wanted “one euro in dividends” for shareholders. If Jean-Luc Mélenchon is elected president, will these establishments be 100% public? “Let no one come and say ‘we didn’t know’, they all knew the situation as much as they are,” he accused. Finally, for one of the first measures if he is elected president would be to launch an operation to regularize undocumented migrants.

I’m not anti cop

Asked about his relationship with the police, Jean-Luc Mélenchon assured that he was not anti-cop, “I do not harbor anti-cop hatred,” he explained. For the rebellious deputy, arming the police during the demonstrations is a mistake. “I want to disarm the police in the demonstrations. I’m against flashballs, encirclement techniques, stun grenades. I am against it because they are not used in most civilized countries,” he compared. “We have to go back to a peacekeeping police. A police not only acclaimed but also demanded by the general public, like during the Charlie period when everyone applauded the cops” he recalled.

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