"Bachelorette" Melissa Damilia reveals in an interview why love has not yet worked out and how men can inspire it.
Melissa Damilia (25) is starting this Wednesday (October 14th, 8:15 pm on RTL, also via TVNow) in the seventh season of "The Bachelorette" in search of her dream man. "It is an unbelievable opportunity and honor to be the 'Bachelorette'. To get to know a man this way, to grow beyond his limits and ideally to fall in love," enthused the Stuttgart woman in an interview with the news agency spot on news. But why hasn't it worked out with love so far?
"For different reasons. Sometimes you drifted apart, sometimes you had different goals or ideas for the future," says the petite 1.56 meter tall brunette beauty, who is allowed to get to know 20 single men in Greece better and distribute roses to their favorites . The "Bachelorettes" of the past seasons were – like people in general – very different. "Perhaps my strength is that I am very approachable," the trained chemist and influencer assesses herself. When she gets to know the men in Crete, she won't do anything that makes her feel uncomfortable, says Damilia. "I do appreciate a little privacy."
The 25-year-old has dating show experience: in 2019 she took part in the RTL two-dome format "Love Island". She doubts that this will help her as a "Bachelorette", as the formats are very different from one another. She looks back positively on her time on Love Island: "'Love Island' was a great time and I definitely don't want to miss the experience. I left it voluntarily because some things shouldn't have been. But maybe now is the time for me and love come. " Damilia is certain that these can be found anywhere. "In the supermarket, on the train, in the club or on TV. It is not the place but the person that is decisive in whether you fall in love."
A man has to bring that along
Regarding the character, the "Bachelorette" has a precise idea of which man would suit her: "My dream man should be honest, humorous and attentive. I have long since lost a picture in my head." For her, more important than appearance is "that someone inspires me with their style, their smile, their love of life." Dishonesty and selfish behavior are absolute no-gos for them in a partnership. In addition, she definitely wants a wedding and children in her future. "I'm not putting myself under any pressure in this regard, all in good time."
In addition to "Love Island", Damilia was also featured in "Kampf der Realitystars" this year. Further TV appearances are not currently being planned, "but if there is something that I really like, then that can be." She is always supported in all of her projects by family and friends. "What others think about it is their opinion. You have to learn to distinguish between the important and the unimportant."