Meloni abolishes citizen income again

The noise about migrants and ravers is followed by the return of the new Italian government to fiscal realities. Is the opposition awakening now?

The Meloni government is likely to increase debt further in order to finance the measures envisaged in the draft budget.

Stefano Rellandini / Reuters

The person of Matteo Salvini shows what about-faces Italian politics is sometimes capable of. In 2018 he was deputy prime minister when the government made up of his Lega and the Cinque Stelle announced the citizen money, the so-called Reddito di Cittadinanza, with a roar. Now, in November 2022, he is again Deputy Prime Minister when a new team abolishes this basic income. What the then Labor Minister Luigi Di Maio called “the largest investment in human capital in Italian history” designatedis now history itself.

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