Membership increased – Eight new firefighters strengthen the fire brigade

Voluntary work for fellow human beings has a high priority in Lower Austria. And our volunteer fire brigades even bear it visibly in their name. In Eggern in the district of Gmünd there is no need to worry about the future of the Floriani troupe for the time being – eight new members have joined.

In one fell swoop, the number of active members in the Eggern fire brigade was increased from 47 to 55. In a place with just under 670 inhabitants, that’s quite an impressive number. Eight young men – Marcel and Philipp Biedermann, Jacob Litschauer, David Schuster, Marcel Stangl, Dominik Stark, Heiko Strohmer and Julian Winkelbauer – have now taken out their equipment and started training. Commander Christoph Hirsch and his deputy Florian Schierer are delighted. And because of the quite large number of new active ones, one does not have to worry about the continued existence of the volunteer fire brigade in Eggern.
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