Memecoin raises $15 million

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With a raising capital of now more than 15 million US dollars, Dogeverse is already announcing its potential in advance sales. But why is that? Dogeverse in presale in May 2024 and was able to raise so much money even before public trading began?

Learn more about Dogeverse

Dogeverse: Active on Ethereum, Solana, Base & Co

Dogeverse’s new memecoin leverages the multichain trend to appeal to a broad and diversified investor base. This innovative approach allows Dogeverse to capitalize on various blockchain ecosystems and maximize its liquidity.

By being active on platforms such as Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Solana, Base, and Avalanche, Dogeverse not only increases its accessibility but also encourages more extensive trading activities and higher transaction volumes, as numerous investors can intuitively invest in Dogeverse in its own ecosystem.

Dogeverse’s multichain approach significantly expands the reach of the coin. Having a presence on multiple platforms appeals to a wider user base, increasing the token’s appeal and growth potential. This multichain presence allows Dogeverse to effectively increase demand for the token.

The advantages of multichain projects

The Mulitchain strategy stands out from other projects in particular due to the following advantages:

  • Increased accessibility: By integrating into various blockchain ecosystems, Dogeverse becomes easily and quickly accessible to a wide range of investors.
  • Maximizing liquidity: Multiple platforms mean more liquidity, which makes trading easier and can increase investor confidence.
  • Network effects: Being present on multiple blockchains increases visibility and interest, resulting in higher market penetration.
  • Diversification of the investor base: A broader base of investors can spread risk and increase the stability of the token. At the same time, Dogeverse then potentially benefits in every memecoin season – regardless of whether it is taking place on Ethereum, Solana or Base.

Through broad market penetration and the innovative multichain strategy, Dogeverse wants to position itself as an exciting new memecoin with considerable growth potential. The continuous expansion to new blockchains and the resulting increased trading activity should lead to a significant increase in the value of the token. The team is also aggressively promoting the Dogeverse token as a unique memecoin project.

For memecoins, initial hype and demand are crucial, especially in crypto presales. Because in an increasingly saturated market, the new projects are fighting for their place. Dogeverse can achieve measurable success here.

With over $15 million in presale and around 20,000 followers on X, Dogeverse is off to a positive start. There is a real hype on YouTube about this new memecoin, reflecting the strong community support and immense interest from investors. The increasing mention of influencers increases awareness and attracts more investors.

Earn passive income with staking

Staking rewards, such as those offered by Dogeverse, are another incentive to buy, as they appeal to both early investors and long-term holders. Early investors benefit from passive rewards during the presale to continuously increase their holdings. Long-term holders value staking rewards because they can generate income even in sideways phases.

In addition, staking reduces the available supply of tokens on the market through the lock-in mechanism, which leads to an increase in value if demand remains the same or increases.

This combination of immediate benefits and long-term potential makes staking rewards an attractive feature for many investors.

With Dogeverse, high passive returns are still possible in the presale. These are currently around 55 percent per year. So anyone who invests in Dogeverse can participate in staking directly via Ethereum.

Last chance in the Dogeverse presale

The presale ends in a few days, so this is the last opportunity to purchase DOGEVERSE at a fixed price. Of course, buying a new memecoin should always be preceded by a detailed analysis. Additional information about Dogeverse can be found on the website and in the white paper.

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