Mental Health: How Toxic Productivity Harms Us

pressure to perform
How toxic productivity harms our mental health

We should learn that it’s okay not to do our best all the time.


Nowadays it is difficult for us to just do nothing. But always being on the go and not giving yourself a free minute is bad for our mental health.

Putting yourself in the front line is usually out of the question for many. For them, professional life comes before everything else. Because in today’s meritocracy we are drummed into thinking that without success at work we have achieved nothing. In order to build a career, we put up with overtime and work more hours than we have to.

Toxic Productivity: It’s okay to do nothing sometimes

Toxic productivity is when we try to be productive at all times, be it at work or at home. Many know the feeling that you always want to give everything and have a guilty conscience to slow down a gear. In the video we show you how we can escape this.

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