MEPs approve the generalization of genetic tests in the context of the fight against doping

Genetic tests in the context of the fight against doping will be implemented on a permanent basis in France, and not only experimentally, for some of them, during the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP).

The deputies voted, Tuesday, March 21, the article of the bill relating to the JOP – and containing various other provisions – which establishes these tests without circumscribing them in time. They thus confirmed the vote of the senators in January, which had abolished the experimental phase, until the end of 2024, for the most intrusive genetic tests, initially wanted by the government.

With this article of the bill, it is a question of transposing the provisions of the World Anti-Doping Code into French law with a view to the organization of the Olympic Games, by authorizing the French Anti-Doping Laboratory (LADF) to carry out analyzes that he was not practicing until now.

It will thus be able to compare the genetic fingerprints of athletes to detect substitutions of samples or blood transfusions. It may also implement more intrusive techniques for examining genetic characteristics aimed at detecting natural genetic mutations or resorting to genetic doping techniques.

“You are going way too fast”

The lack of an experimental phase for this second category of tests aroused strong criticism on Tuesday among deputies. “We could have an experiment that would be evaluated in June 2025”, proposed Stéphane Peu (Communist Party). Amendments from the Republicans and the non-registered MP Emmanuelle Ménard also proposed to limit the authorization to the Games only.

Among the reasons for concern raised: the fact that these tests are made too quickly, without sufficient hindsight as to their ethical implications, or even eventually become commonplace in society. “You are going way too fast. Bioethics is still a rather serious subject.launched Jérémie Iordanoff (Europe Ecologie-Les Verts).

National Rally deputy Jordan Guitton stressed that an opinion from the Council of State considers that these proposals derogate from the “provisions of principle of the civil code” from “laws of bioethics”. “We are using an element with significant social acceptability, which are the Olympic Games, to roll back fundamental freedoms”also launched Ugo Bernalicis (La France insoumise), promising a referral to the Constitutional Council.

“It’s an obligation for the Games, we have to comply, and this in a sustainable way”replied the Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, pleading for France to remain “at the forefront of this struggle”.

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