Mercato LoL: Anyone’s Legend recruits again and passes to three midlaners including Maple

Anyone’s Legend made official this January 10 the final composition of his team for the LPL Spring Split 2022, in which are present three midlaners, including Maple. Today, they beat the score 2 to 1 facing LGD Gaming.

For the new season of League of Legends, we find there Huang “Maple” Yi-Tang, from PSG Talon. The midlaner had arrived in the Hong Kong team in December 2020 after a year at LNG Esports, alongside Helper, Hanabi and Kaiwing. Main pillar of the line-up during the 2021 season, Maple records excellent results and stats in PCS, even at Worlds despite being prematurely eliminated.

Zhou “Harder” Shi-Hao, from SDX Gaming will be the second midlaner present alongside Maple during this 2022 season. his first professional year under his new name, Anyone’s Legend hopes to see him shine within the roster. So that makes two new recruits in the workforce of Anyone’s Legend, which had already been confirmed. But the team announced a third transfer, Deng “Forge” Jie, which arrives from Rare Atom. A return more exactly since he was already playing for Rogue Warriors in 2021, on loan from his team.

A third name that bears the team to a 9-man roster, with the 6 members of the 2021 season. This season, the team hopes get your place for the playoffs of the LPL, which it has not accomplished in two years. In Spring Split 2021, Anyone’s Legend only got 17th place and 14th in Summer Split, with just six wins in that span.

However, the team is still struggling. ZWuji, the botlaner of training unfortunately injured after a bad fall. He had to be operated on and requires 3 months of rehabilitation, and this even before the start of the season. This new composition still played its first match today against LGD Gaming, and won 2 to 1, marking a good start to the season for the Chinese team.

Anyone’s Legends (ex Rogue Warriors)
Spring Split 2022

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