Mercury retrograde from December 13th: 5 zodiac signs should pay attention to themselves now

Mercury retrograde
5 zodiac signs should take extra care of themselves now

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When Mercury goes retrograde, our lives can fall apart. Some zodiac signs may particularly feel these energies. You can read what they are here.

Mercury is in astrology for communication, but also for analytical thinking and the ability to make decisions. In its directness it supports the signs on these levels, but if it goes backwards – as it is now – it can lead to discrepancies and misunderstandings. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, but its vibrations and energies have a major influence on our interactions.

In fact, the retrograde of planets is just an optical illusion: the planets in our galaxy move around the sun at different distances and speeds. Viewed from Earth, certain constellations can then appear as if they are moving backwards. In reality, however, they always and unchanged follow their path. Accordingly, Mercury is not moving backwards at all, but we can still clearly feel the change in its trajectory. On December 13th Mercury will go retrograde for the last time this year. Until December 23rd He is in the sign of Capricorn and then moves into Sagittarius. This phase, also known as “Mercury Retrograde,” will last until January 2, 2024.

Especially in the run-up to Christmas, which is already often very busy, this event causes an extra dose of turmoil and chaos. In order to avoid arguments and misunderstandings, it helps to adjust to the changing strange energies in good time.

Mercury Retrograde: 5 zodiac signs should take good care of themselves now


Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini, so they will also clearly feel its retrograde. Misunderstandings, disagreements and differences of opinion could create a bad mood during Advent. They find it difficult to find the right words and some things may come across as harsher than they are intended. Taking a deep breath and, if in doubt, apologizing for the harsh words helps to smooth things over.


Cancers are particularly sensitive under the influence of Mercury retrograde and are quick to take things personally. Please don’t forget that the others are also under the influence of Mercury retrograde and communication is not going well at the moment. So don’t put everything on the table, it has nothing to do with you personally.


Virgos will also clearly feel Mercury’s retrograde, as the small planet is also assigned to their sign. Great dissatisfaction could now arise in the perfectionist Virgo. You may struggle with everything and get lost in your own demands. Suddenly nothing is good enough anymore and you take criticism much more personally than it was intended. Realize that this is just a phase that will pass.


Libras often have difficulty making decisions anyway. Things get even worse under Mercury retrograde. Anything that doesn’t need to be decided now should be postponed until the new year. At the same time, the sign always strives for harmony, while misunderstandings are inevitable under these conditions. Take a deep breath and don’t take it too much to heart if a bad mood arises.


There are strenuous times ahead for the sensitive Pisces. The water sign reacts particularly sensitively to the vibrations of its environment and has difficulty protecting itself from them. When Mercury is retrograde, you quickly feel overwhelmed and stressed. Treat yourself to some rest and plenty of me-time every now and then to wind down again.


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