“Message of Peace”: Emirates receive Israel’s President for the first time

“Message of Peace”
Emirates receive Israel’s president for the first time

An Israeli President has never paid a flying visit to the United Arab Emirates. Isaac Herzog therefore speaks of a “historic” visit. Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed also expresses the hope that the states will come closer together.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog is the first head of state in his country to pay an official visit to the United Arab Emirates. In Abu Dhabi, Herzog and his wife Michal were received by Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Sajed al-Nahjan at the start of the two-day visit, according to Herzog’s office. This was followed by a meeting with the Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Sajed al-Nahjan in the Presidential Palace.

The Israeli President’s program also included a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. Herzog, whose office is largely representative, was “delighted” on Twitter at the reception in Abu Dhabi.

According to the official news agency Wam, Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed expressed the hope that the visit would improve bilateral relations. Both spoke about cooperation in the fields of economy, investment, development, technology and health. According to the Israeli leader’s office, the meeting lasted two hours. “We are here to find ways and means together to offer full security to people who are looking for peace in our region,” Herzog said in an interview with the Crown Prince.

Before his departure, the Israeli head of state had spoken of a “historic” visit and announced that he was bringing “a message of peace for the entire region”. Herzog wants to travel to Dubai on Monday. In addition to meetings with government representatives, he is also planning a visit to the Dubai Expo.

Change of course in diplomacy

Herzog’s visit comes 16 months after a course change in Emirati diplomacy. These broke from the anti-Israel line of Arab states and established relations with Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett traveled to the Emirates in December.

Since the agreement between Israel and the Emirates, direct flight connections have been set up between the two countries and several cooperation agreements have been signed. According to the Israeli consulate in Dubai, around 200,000 Israelis visited the Emirates in the first twelve months after the signing of the normalization agreement. About 40 Israeli companies settled there.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries came about through the mediation of the then US President Donald Trump. At Trump’s urging, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan also agreed to normalize their relations with Israel.

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