Messenger Signal: The crypto messenger is more popular than WhatsApp

Messenger signal
The crypto messenger is more popular than WhatsApp

More and more users are migrating to the messenger signal.

© Michele Ursi /

The crypto messenger signal is becoming increasingly popular. The reason for this is apparently the new data protection conditions of WhatsApp.

New data protection conditions have been in effect for Messenger WhatsApp since May 15. The changes, which were controversially discussed and criticized in advance, seem to have prompted many users in recent weeks to look for a new, free alternative. The big winner is the Messenger Signal.

The app now ranks in the Google Playstore on the first place of the currently most popular apps. Messenger Telegram is in third place. WhatsApp, on the other hand, is now far behind and is no longer even in the top ten, but in 14th place. In the Apple App Store, the crypto messenger was in second place on Tuesday (May 18). Only the Luca tracing app is even more popular than Signal. Some iOS users seem to keep WhatsApp going, because the app is still in fifth place.

The problem with WhatsApp

The company behind WhatsApp has been part of Facebook since 2014. Users had mainly complained that the data collected should be transmitted to other parts of the group – which was also the case before. Users who do not agree to the new data protection regulations should gradually be blocked from certain chat features.

At Signal, the privacy of its users is much more important. For example, not only the messages are encrypted, but also the sender. The range of functions is in no way inferior to that of WhatsApp. One of Signal’s best-known advocates is whistleblower Edward Snowden, 37. He wrote on Twitter at the end of 2015that he used Signal every day. Tesla boss Elon Musk (49) also called his at the beginning of January Twitter followers to use Signal.
