Messy and proud of it – 5 reasons to love your own mess

5 reasons to love your own chaos

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Our author has learned something important about herself: she doesn’t want to be tidy. And she has good reasons for that.

by Marie Stadler

Let’s be honest. How long have we been trying to be something we’re not, namely: neat? And now let’s be a little more honest: Isn’t that also a bit because we don’t actually want to be like that?

Ordinary people are really suspicious to me. Because behind chaos there is neither laziness nor a lack of perspective, no, behind chaos there is much more. And I don’t want to miss any of this:

1. Chaotic people are more creative

Do I want to be the one to whom everyone whispers in amazement because she sorted the shoes so neatly? Definitely not! When people come to my house, they find a cozy little mess. That’s the only place I fit in, because I’m an idea person. Incidentally, the best ideas actually come from untidy rooms, and this has even been scientifically proven. Very tidy rooms only encourage thinking in clichés. And honestly, I don’t want to be like that.

2. They should all know that I have more important things to do

Nice for the others if they want to spend their lives tidying up. If it’s fun, let it be. But I don’t care. Everyone knows that too. The fact that I sometimes look like Hempel’s under the sofa shows a healthy dose of self-love and everyone should see that. I don’t force anyone to do things they don’t like. not even me And that’s good.

3. Make yourself at home. Or better.

Whoever comes to me, he feels right at home. In my little chaos there is nothing to be ashamed of, no one walks through my corridors in awe or apologizes for stumbling on the window. gift. Even for order freaks, my house is an oasis. “I always feel as relaxed here as I did when I was 18,” my girlfriend once said. If that’s not a nice compliment…

4. I am always and everywhere welcome

Wherever I go, whenever: I can come in, stay and no one starts panicking to put away the laundry. I know that I’m a welcome guest because I’m uncomplicated and everyone knows: I would never think anything bad.

5. The universe loves chaos

Is it a weakness to be messy? Maybe. But the far greater weakness is not being able to stand clutter. The world just doesn’t work that way. Ever tried to teach a blade of grass about symmetry? Or to introduce a small child to a box tidying system? Orderliness is a quality, not a virtue. Who has it: Have fun with it. I don’t have them. And that’s totally fine.


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