Meta Quest: hand tracking reaches version 2.1, simple evolution or revolution?

At the house of Metafunctionality hand tracking (or hand tracking) has always served as a “technical demo”. Indeed, past the wow effect from the first moments, its lack of precision has always reinforced our idea of ​​continuing to use our controllers. Are we still at the same point with the latest update?

Alex Dufetel, interface manager Metadeclares that the new hand tracking update is a major update. Relying on the deep learning and error correction, version 2.1 should significantly reduce tracking errors while bringing more accuracy on hand and finger movements. Tracking loss should be less, recovery faster, and pinching more efficient.

However, we remain cautious about these announcement effects. the hand tracking 2.0 was also supposed to be revolutionary (see article), during the test, we did not notice any major improvements, naturally leading us to the following observation: Until hand tracking is as accurate and comfortable as controllers can be, said technology will never be considered mature.although we encourage Meta improve it, not abandon it.

What about this version 2.1? We indeed felt a drastic drop in latency, close to real time. It is also possible for us, better than in the past, to cross our fingers in a butterfly way. On the other hand, collisions are still quite poorly managed overalljust pass your hand over each other, stick them or place them in a blind spot to glimpse the limits of the system. If this is not a revolution, it is not usurped to speak of real evolution.

Of course, for optimal use, we strongly advise you to use good lighting, a room without mirrors and to remove as much as possible all reflective objects. If you want to use the hand tracking in its latest version and in good conditions, we can only recommend you to use the new game Silhouettereleased for the occasion. Indeed, in this game, we play with shadow and light to solve the puzzles offered, which will require a little skill:

As for version 2.0, this new version of hand tracking will work on all applications and all games using the hand trackingand this without the developers needing to review their copies.

If you haven’t taken the plunge yet, you can treat yourself to a Meta Quest 2 to the Fnac, Darty Where Amazon from €449.99.

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