Metal Slug Tactics pushed back to 2023 with beautiful artwork

Leikir Studio, Dotemu and SNK announced in June 2019 Metal Slug Tactics, a tactical role-playing game roguelike based on the famous franchise of shooters horizontally scrolling. A title that promises to be interesting, but that keeps falling behind. It was supposed to be released this year, but in the end, we will have to wait.

Dotemu has just announced today that Metal Slug Tactics is pushed back to 2023, without further details. The studio states as follows:

Marco, Eri, Fio, and Tarma are tinkering to make Metal Slug Tactics as explosive as possible upon release, but the team needs a little more time in the workshop to prepare for the battles to come. See you in 2023!

Frustrating news for fans, who will have to be patient for a few more months. A artwork was shared for the occasion. As a reminder, Metal Slug Tactics is expected on PC and Nintendo Switchyou can find cards eShop on Amazon.

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Writer – Tester

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