Michael Ende’s “Momo”: A new film adaptation is planned

Michael Ende’s “Momo”
A new film is planned

Radost Bokel played young Momo in the 1980s.

Radost Bokel played young Momo in the 1980s.

© imago images/United Archives

An English language adaptation of Michael Ende’s novel “Momo” is planned. Filming is scheduled to begin in 2023.

Next to “The Neverending Story”, “Momo” is the most successful novel by Michael Ende (1929-1995). The imaginative work about a girl who stands up to time thieves had a successful film adaptation in the 1980s. Now another “Momo” film is to be shot – on an international level. This is reported by the US industry portal “Deadline”..

We are talking about an ambitious, English-language film version of the 1973 novel by producer Christian Becker (50) and director and screenwriter Christian Ditter (46). The script for the new “Momo” adaptation also comes from Ditter, who is also said to be directing. Nothing is known about a possible cast, but shooting should start at the end of 2023 if possible.

The first film adaptation of “Momo”, released in 1986, is a German-Italian production. At that time, Radost Bokel (47) gave the orphan girl Momo in the screen version of the classic children’s book. Big names like Mario Adorf (92), Armin Mueller-Stahl (92) and John Huston (1906-1987) were at her side. Directed by Johannes Schaaf (1933-2019).

Fight for the rights to “Momo”

According to the report, Ditter and Becker have been working on the script for several years and are currently scouting potential partners on either side of the Atlantic. In an interview with the industry magazine, Becker speaks of a large, international high-end production between fantasy and science fiction. According to Ditter, it was very difficult to get the rights for a film adaptation. Several parties were interested. After “sensitive negotiations” the rights would be there.


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