Michael Kretschmer: Saxony's prime minister married secretly

Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer took his Annett Hofmann as his wife. The wedding took place in a family atmosphere.

Annett Hofmann's surprising announcement: Michael Kretschmer (45), the longtime partner of the Saxon CDU Prime Minister, posted photos on Facebook and Instagram of the wedding last Friday. She quoted from the Bible: "All of your things can be done in love! (1 Cor. 14, 16)." She also wrote about the pictures: "It was a happy day. A private day. Our day."

"A day for the family"

In addition, the MDR announced on its website that the wedding ceremony was celebrated in a private ceremony in the Old Church in the Klotzsche district of Dresden. The government spokesman Ralph Schreiber also confirmed the wedding to the broadcaster. It wasn't supposed to be a public event: "It was a family day."

In addition to the children, only the couple's parents appeared at the wedding, it is said. Born in Görlitz, Kretschmer has two sons with the MDR journalist and former spokeswoman for the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Consumer Protection.
