Michael Michalsky: “Claudia Roth is the Lady Gaga of German politics”

Michael Michalsky
“Claudia Roth is the Lady Gaga of German politics”

Michael Michalsky gives his assessment of Angela Merkel’s style and what her intention is with it.


Shortly before the federal elections, designer Michael Michalsky takes a look back at the Merkel era and the “courageous style” of the Chancellor.

On September 26, Germany will decide on a new government. Because Angela Merkel (67) will resign from the office of Chancellor after 16 years. She is considered an influential politician all over the world and regularly generates a positive response from the press when it comes to fashion. With the CDU politician, a sober style found its way into the Chancellery in 2005. But for all its clarity, fashion is always a powerful material, knows Michael Michalsky (54), whose book “Minimal Style” will be published by DK Verlag on September 28th. In it he reveals how you can find and develop your own style through a carefully selected wardrobe.

The star designer spoke to the news agency spot on news about Angela Merkel’s “courageous style” and which politicians, in his opinion, are at the top in terms of fashion.

Blazers were always the means of choice when Angela Merkel was present at receptions, inaugurations and state events – only the color varied: sometimes it was loud magenta, sometimes a soft navy blue, with a solid amber necklace – the solid business look is ready. “The message with Ms. Merkel is consistency and reliability,” Michalsky explains in an interview. Merkel is doing a lot right with this. In terms of style, you can learn from her “how you can make yourself a recognizable visual brand through a personal, consistent style of clothing,” says the designer.

Michael Michalsky: That was his highlight among the Merkel looks

One look in particular sticks in the memory of the 54-year-old: “The bold ball gown for the opening of the Oslo Opera House.” Back in 2008, the Chancellor chose a low-cut robe by the German designer Anna von Griesheim (55). The theme of the evening was neither the music by Wagner nor the grandiose architecture of the building, but the section of the German Chancellor. “How much cleavage can a Chancellor show?” Asked “Die Welt”. One or the other found the deep insights inappropriate. But Michael Michalsky disagrees: “Fashion can never be ‘dubious’. Fashion is a stylistic device that people use to express themselves. The actions of these people can be dubious, but not their look.”

In his opinion, Angela Merkel is not the only person from politics and business with good taste. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (49) and ECB boss Christine Lagarde (65) “have a very good style that suits their personalities,” says Michalsky. The Green politician Claudia Roth (66) is a little more freaky – “the Lady Gaga of German politics”.

While women have much more leeway in shape, color and style, politicians often struggle with a literal corset. But even with men, you can expect a change in style to more nonchalant, says the designer. Because more and more politicians have said goodbye to the tie: “This is a small sign that there is also a change in fashion among politicians. I think that’s good.”


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