Michael Wendler: The broadcaster plans to do that after its end

The broadcaster RTL had completely relied on Michael Wendler. After the surprising "DSDS" jury exit, there is still no plan B.

RTL actually seems to be completely surprised by the developments around pop singer Michael Wendler (48). After a request from the news agency spot on news, the broadcaster confirms this once again, and is already looking to the future. "Since we were surprised by the development yesterday, we are devoting ourselves internally to the open questions and to announce appropriate decisions when the time comes," said a spokeswoman.

Shortly after the disturbing releases of the Florida-based musician, the station distanced itself, among other things, on the official Twitter page clearly from the content in the Wendler stories. RTL confirmed the end for the singer after Michael Wendler announced on Instagram that he was giving up his jury job voluntarily, "it says there.

Michael Wendler had announced on Thursday night in several Insta stories that he would "be retired as a juror with immediate effect in the participation in the RTL show 'DSDS'". As a reason, he cited conspiracy theories on the corona crisis. In addition to the broadcaster, the Kaufland supermarket chain, for which Wendler had just recorded an advertisement, distanced itself from the singer's statements.
