PARIS (Reuters) – Prime Minister Michel Barnier submitted a government proposal to President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday evening, which will be presented “before Sunday”, we learned from Matignon.
Two weeks after his appointment, Michel Barnier held “his last day of consultations” on Thursday with a view to forming his government, which Emmanuel Macron hopes will be “unifying” after the early legislative elections that he himself called and which produced a fragmented National Assembly in early July with no absolute majority for either camp.
Forced to form alliances, the Prime Minister notably brought together the leaders of the presidential camp, which came only third in the legislative elections, and leaders of the right, the political family from which he comes and which now only has 47 deputies out of 577, before going to the Elysée in the evening.
During a “constructive exchange” with the President of the Republic, Michel Barnier “presented the architecture and composition of his government which respects the balances”, we were told at Matignon.
The government “will be presented before Sunday, subject to the usual ethical checks,” it was added.
(Michel Rose, written by Blandine Hénault and Bertrand Boucey)
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