Michel Barnier received Bruno Retailleau and Didier Migaud Thursday morning at Matignon


Michel Barnier received Thursday in Matignon the ministers Bruno Retailleau (Interior) and Didier Migaud (Justice) who, barely named, had engaged in a showdown through the media, AFP learned from a ministerial source, confirming information from the ‘weekly The Express. The two ministers were received together on rue de Varenne at 8:30 a.m., according to this source.

First attack by Bruno Retailleau on TF1

The new boss of Place Beauvau, the Minister of the Interior Bruno Retailleau, who insists on his desire to “restore order” and apply a completely right-wing line on immigration and penal policy, even if it means raising eyebrows part of his new partners in the presidential camp, went Monday evening to the borders of his colleague from Justice, the former socialist deputy Didier Migaud.

He called for “changing a penal policy which, for a very long time, has allowed this right to non-execution of sentences to take hold”. “There must be sentences handed down, that the sentences pronounced must also be carried out. Prisons must be built. This is not my area, but I will speak about it very freely with Didier Migaud”, had developed Bruno Retailleau on TF1.

Instant defense of Didier Migaud on France 2

Immediate response from the Minister of Justice, the only take coming from the left of a government that leans to the right: Bruno Retailleau “must know that justice is independent in our country” and “it is not always accurate” to claim that the justice “does not condemn sufficiently”, he said on France 2, saying he was “ready” to have “a certain number of exchanges with Bruno Retailleau”.

To which the Minister of the Interior retorted Tuesday morning in a duel still at a distance: “The independence of judges, yes, but there is the sovereignty of Parliament and the French people through the laws that Parliament can vote “. “It is not the problem of the magistrates as such, it is not the problem of the Minister of Justice as such, it is the problem of the texts that must be changed,” he said. estimated.


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