Michel Cymes: his opinion on the wearing of cloth masks during the coronavirus epidemic: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Since the start of the containment imposed by the French government to fight the coronavirus epidemic, the shortage of masks has been controversial. If Prime Minister Edouard Philippe clarified that billions of masks were being transported, many French people have decided to take the lead in creating their own. For this, no need for a diploma in sewing, just follow the different tutorials that have flourished on the canvas in a short time and have pieces of fabric. While many Internet users display their creations on social networks, wearing these controversial homemade cloth masks. In fact, masks made by hand do not meet any specific standard, unlike those used in the medical environment.

Are fabric masks better than nothing?

As our colleagues report Télé-Loisirs, in the Snapchat version of the France 5 show Hello doctors, Michel Cymes gave his opinion on the effectiveness of cloth masks : "There are two schools. There are the doctors who say 'no fabric masks' because the meshes are too wide and that, unlike surgical masks or FFP2, the virus which, you know, is very very very small, and it will go on to through the stitches of the fabric. We are going to believe that we are protected when we are talking too closely to someone who is spitting on you with their viruses. And on the other side there are doctors who say that it's better than nothing that it's better, than not wearing a mask. " As the program presenter then explained The extraordinary powers of the human body, wearing cloth masks reminds the user that they should not put their hands to their face if they have not been washed : "If you have a fabric mask when you put your hand on your face you will say to yourself 'ah no I should not do it because I have my mask' which is a kind of reminder. At least for that, it can be interesting. "

Read also : Michel Cymes: when his very close friends confide in him