Michel Drucker confides in his recovery after his second heart operation

Michel Drucker is about to return to the air on France 3! At almost 81 years old, the host still does not intend to retire, despite a second heart operation and a new long convalescence.

Subject to infective endocarditis, Michel Drucker had undergone in 2020, a triple coronary bypass. A heavy heart operation which had almost taken a dramatic turn, the animator having come close to amputation. After a long recovery, the star of France Televisions had finally returned to filming and therefore the orders for his cult show, Can’t wait for Sunday.

In March 2023, Michel Drucker unfortunately had to be operated on again. Once again, Dany’s husband was forced to rest for a long period, a real ordeal for someone for whom the word “retirement” does not exist. While the date of his return to the antenna has just been unveiled, Michel Drucker returns to this new intervention which occurred a few months ago due to a bacterium on a valve.

Michel Drucker talks about his recovery

After miraculously getting out of it the first time, the animator thought he was staying there : “This time, I started to tell myself that it was done. I thought about it and considered that, in the end, it was a challenge like any other. I had to fight. I learned, fortunately later, that the doctors considered that I had about a 20% chance of getting out of it.he said in an interview with TV Magazinethis Thursday, August 10, 2023 from his second home, located in Eygalières, in Provence.

Forced to rest, he then takes the time to remember his convalescence. “I spent weeks getting used to lying down, then getting up without the help of the nurses. I had lost all my muscles, and I didn’t want to look at myself in a mirror for fear of discovering the face of a ghost. When I went in the shower, I did not remove the steam! The day I dared to do so, I took a terrible blow. I did not recognize myself. I was an old man. I really thought then that I would never resurface.” he remembers.

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“It was ultimately a very enriching experience”

If the facilitator held on thanks to his family and loved ones, he draws a positive conclusion from this new ordeal : “It was ultimately a very rewarding experience. I learned solitude, silence. I learned what it was like to be cut off from the world, to no longer use your cell phone. I learned to dominate pain. I discovered, even more than the first time, the complicated life of nurses in French hospitals and the modesty of these surgeons, Professors Albert Hagège and Marc Dufour, whom no one knows and who are now my stars.”. Michel Drucker will celebrate his 81st birthday on September 12.

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