Michel Houellebecq “fan” of “Camping” films, according to Franck Dubosc

Dyear rumba life, the next film by and starring Franck Dubosc, the main character, who discovers dancing to bond with his daughter, crosses paths with a “tongue-in-cheek doctor” whom viewers will be surprised to see camped by the writer Michel Houellebecq. In the columns of Sunday newspaperthe actor and director says that it is the novelist himself who is at the origin of this unexpected meeting.

And for good reason, Michel Houellebecq would be particularly “fan” of the films Camping, and Patrick Chirac, the character of Franck Dubosc. “His agent, he explains, contacted mine to say that he would like to shoot with me, or Dany Boon! When we met, Michel confessed to me that he was a fan of Camping. ” Franck Dubosc, who confesses to having never read the novels of Michel Houellebecq, assures: ” You just have to listen to him to understand that he loves to go against the grain of what one might expect or imagine of him: a kind of player who takes pleasure in refusing the obvious. He is above all a fairly simple person, who loves people. »

“I thought he was going to fully resume my scenario”

Within the filmography of the actor Houellebecq, rich of a dozen films, rumba life clearly acts as an exception, even if he is no stranger to the comic register. “Houellebecq is an involuntary comic, says Franck Dubosc. You just have to see him evolve with Gérard Depardieu inThalassotherapy, by Guillaume Nicloux, or at Kervern and Delépine… He delights in this quirky register. »

READ ALSOA tour of France in seven novels by Houellebecq

The author has also shown himself to be a model actor, mastering a text to which he has only made slight modifications. “At the start, I thought he was going to completely cover my script, laughs the director. In fact, he just asked to see me again four dots, which were actually four words! »

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