Michèle Laroque in "Dance with the stars"? The condition that derailed the project: Femme Actuelle The MAG

It's no secret that Michèle Laroque is passionate about dance. The sexagenarian started to dance from the age of 4 without ever stopping. And her passion, she decided to put it forward thanks to the seventh art. Indeed, the acolyte of Pierre Palmade is the director ofThen we dance, a feature film slated for 2021, adapted from the British film Finding Your Feet, with Isabelle Nanty, Thierry Lhermitte, Antoine Duléry and Armelle on the bill. But despite all his love for this performing art, Michèle Laroque does not wish to be among the celebrity candidates for Dance with the stars. Yet one of her loyal friends seemed tempted to participate alongside him. "At one point, Muriel Robin told me 'Come on let's do a Dance with the stars where there are really stars' ", she declared at the microphone ofWe're remaking the TV sure RTL December 12, 2020. A proposal that she preferred to decline for very specific reasons.

Michèle Laroque, not a fan of couple dances

First, Michèle Laroque could have been interested in Dance with the stars, if his close friends were also up for it. "Me, I understood what she wanted besides me, I love dancing", confided Michèle Laroque, about Muriel Robin."But my friends understood less well. They said 'No but you mean, with the jury and everything?'", she declared, without specifying the identity of "friends". The mother of Oriane Deschamps then claimed to have been approached by TF1: "They tried yes … They tried but the friends said no, no we will not do it". And the star's friends are not the only reason why Michèle Laroque declined the proposal. "I don't dance couple stuff myself. So we can do it as a couple, that's not the question, but that's not what amuses me the most about dancing", she confessed before continuing:"What I love is when we are in a group and we do the same choreography together. Not two. Me, that's what I like! ". That has the merit of being clear …

Read also : "Dance with the stars" finally back? TF1 responds