Michelin and all the representative trade unions have signed a new agreement

Photo credit © Michelin

(Boursier.com) — On January 5, 2023, the management of Michelin and all the representative trade unions (CFDT, CFE-CGC, CGT and SUD), have signed a new agreement for a period of 4 years on the quality of life at work and professional equality between women and men.

Entitled “People and their Work Environment”, this agreement aims to meet the changing expectations of employees in terms of the environment and working conditions throughout their career at Michelin.

This new agreement is part of the Michelin Group’s “All Sustainable” strategy and its ambition to become a global reference by 2030 for employee commitment as well as for diversity and inclusion.

With this signature, management and trade unions confirm that the quality of life at work is an important factor in employee commitment, a condition for collective and individual performance.

The agreement “The Person and his Work Environment” is based on four axes:

1. Contribute to accelerating the ecological transition to support the necessary change in commuting habits;
2. Support employees in the various hazards and stages of their personal life to contribute to a better work-life balance;
3. Promote diversity and inclusion, to contribute to the development of the Group by encouraging creativity and innovation;
4. Create a work environment that promotes accountability and collective intelligence.

These guidelines are reflected in the agreement through two new concrete measures:

– Encourage the transition to more sustainable mobility by promoting travel by public transport and by developing the use of carpooling for employee commuting through:
– The increase in the payment of public transport costs from 50% to 80% (with a ceiling of 300 euros for the additional 30%),
– The implementation of a Sustainable Mobility Package and a carpooling platform. This system will provide for free travel between home and work for passengers up to a limit of 800 euros per year, as well as a lump sum compensation for the driver.
– Accompany employees in the face of the various hazards of their personal life in order to:
– Simplify the current arrangements for donating days and lighten the administrative procedures to help employees with a seriously ill child or with a loved one who is losing their autonomy,
– Increase the number of days for family caregivers from 5 to 66 days per employee.
Among other notable developments, the agreement includes:
– The strengthening of actions in favor of gender diversity and gender equality, in particular through specific training actions concerning professions in which the gender gap remains significant (Industry and Commerce) and increasing the proportion of women in the functions to be responsibilities;
– The definition of new measures to support parenthood;
– The increase in equal opportunities with specific recruitment mechanisms for refugees, people far from employment or looking for work;
– The creation of a complete support system for managers to guarantee an inclusive framework and promote diversity.

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