Michelle Obama grants an interview to “C à Vous” and Brut on the occasion of the release of her book

Louise Bernard, Juline Garnier

The interview will be broadcast Tuesday, November 15 on both media and will be orchestrated not by a journalist but by the writer Leïla Slimani. The former First Lady of the United States will notably share the writing of her new book entitled “This light in us”.

An interview both on France 5 and on the Brut media in an unprecedented configuration. Indeed, the interview with the former First Lady of the United States will be conducted by the same person for both media: not by a journalist, but by a writer: Leïla Slimani. This should last less than twenty minutes, according to information collected by Europe 1, followed by an intervention by the author on the set of “C à vous”.

Tips for staying optimistic

The broadcast date, Tuesday, November 15, is also not chosen by chance. It corresponds to the release day of Michelle Obama’s new book, entitled “This light in us” and published by Flammarion. She shares “advice, stories and effective strategies to remain optimistic and serene in the face of the uncertainties of today’s world”, according to the details provided by her publisher.

The Obamas are famous for favoring public service to promote themselves. For the release of his memoirs, Barack Obama had granted an interview to François Busnel. It had been broadcast on France 2, just after the 8 p.m. newspaper two years ago.

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