Micky Jukovic: "Crime Scene" villain honored with Hollywood award

The actor Micky Jukovic can look back on success in Hollywood: he was awarded a Los Angeles Film Award.

Great honor for Micky Jukovic (41). The actor with Serbian roots was the first German-speaking actor to win a Los Angeles Film Award. He had received two documents by post, the Frankfurt-based election confirmed the "Bild" newspaper. Due to the corona pandemic, there was no gala: "I am very sad about it – and of course at the same time happy to have won." He was recognized as the best supporting actor in the movie "When the wave broke".

In Germany, Jukovic is best known for depicting numerous villains, for example in the "crime scene". Most recently he was seen there in October 2019 in "Attack on Guard 08" alongside Ulrich Tukur (62). Jukovic said he fled to Germany with his mother and two brothers in 1994 before the civil war in his home country. After graduating from high school, he worked as a business economist in a bank and trained as an actor.
