Microhabits: With these 3 tips you will increase your intelligence

increase intelligence
It works with these three microhabits

It’s often the little habits that make a big difference in terms of our intelligence.

No time to read a book every day? With these little habits you can increase your intelligence without much effort. We’ll tell you how to do it.

The times have changed. People are being paid less and less for their physical labor, but more and more for their mental ones. You have to solve problems, make decisions and be as open to new things as possible. This is the only way to broaden your intellectual horizon.

3 tricks to increase your intelligence

It has been scientifically proven that reading boosts intelligence. You not only acquire knowledge, but also expand your vocabulary and deal with other perspectives. But if you don’t have time to get through entire books in a short amount of time, there are a few other habits that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. In the video we tell you three tricks to increase your intelligence.

Sources used: yourtango.com, karrierebibel.de


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