Microsoft and Unity team up to create cloud infrastructure for developers

Thibaut Popelier

Gaming Specialist

August 08, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.


Unity demo © Unity Technologies

© Unity

Microsoft’s “gaming” division now occupies a prominent place in the company’s strategy. For several months, the company headed by Satya Nadella has been relying heavily on the clouds. And this new partnership proves it once again.

Indeed, Unity has partnered with the American giant to develop dematerialized solutions for developers and artists.

The video game in sight

It was via a press release published on its blog that Microsoft formalized its partnership with Unity. Users are not directly affected by this agreement since it is primarily aimed at creators who work on PC and Xbox. By going through Azure, the two companies hope to set up a cloud infrastructure that can be used by video game developers but also by 3D artists.

For the moment, the American multinational remains rather vague as to the form that this famous infrastructure will take. The press release simply explains that this device will allow creators to reach their communities more easily. However, it is by leaning towards Unity that we understand a little better the hidden intentions behind this collaboration… And it is at this moment that real-time 3D made its appearance.

A miraculous tool?

Real-time 3D (also called RT3D) allows the creation of environments and worlds that can be fully interactive. All of this, of course, via the cloud. According to Unity, such a process reduces development costs compared to the development of more expensive physical prototypes. The time allocated to the research and development stage would also be shortened. Without forgetting a promise of increased sales and margins on the products marketed.

It is with these objectives in mind that Unity wishes to launch this “ independent cloud-native solution through Azure. It will probably lead to a so-called secure, dynamic and innovative infrastructure for creators. Moreover, the video game industry is not the only target. The tools will also be suitable for 3D artists wishing to design universes ” not playful through the cloud. In short, we just have to wait to see how (and if) all these beautiful promises will materialize.

Source : Microsoft

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