Microsoft continues its momentum on accessibility

Every October at least, Microsoft takes the time to review its progress in terms of accessibility, particularly in supporting people with disabilities. The company thus presents some of the new Xbox accessibility features planned for the coming months.

As detailed in its announcement, Microsoft plans to soon deploy the ability to reassign nearly 90 keyboard keys to any button on the Xbox Adaptive Controller and the Elite 2 series. Players with reduced mobility will thus be able to access to games that support mouse and keyboard only.

This feature should be accessible through the Xbox Accessories app on PC and consoles. Currently available to Xbox Insiders and members of the Xbox Accessibility Insiders League, it will be available to all players in the coming months, with no further details regarding the deployment date.

Microsoft also announces that Xbox games on PC are becoming more accessible. After launching the menu Accessibility
of the Xbox application last spring, it’s the turn of the Xbox widgets in the Game Bar to include their own menu
Game Accessibility from today.

Finally, the Xbox Store has had a new channel added
Accessibility in Games which brings together all the games with an accessibility tag. Previously, only games with 6 or more accessibility tags were highlighted. Now, all games tagged with at least one of the 20 supported tags will be viewable through the new channel.

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