Microsoft cuts an essential feature to better manage performance

A Twitter member spotted a change in a menu in Windows 11 that shows Microsoft is putting a big emphasis on resource management too.

Credit: 123RF

Microsoft released last week the Windows 11 builds 23424 and 25330 for members of the Dev channels and Windows Insider Program Canary. There are many improvements and changes, but one important new feature might have gone unnoticed if a Twitter user hadn’t shared their discovery with the community.

According to XenoPanther, the keyboard shortcut [alt] + [tab]which allows you to cycle through the different open applications in Windows 11, will gain in flexibility, and at the same time lose power. Indeed, this menu, which until now leaves the choice to display 3, 5 or all the tabs, allows, in the new builds intended for the Canary, Dev and Release Preview channels, to display up to 20 open program tabs, but no more.

Windows 11 Moment 3 update will feature many improvements

It is rumored that, for the sake of Windows performance management, Microsoft wants to limit the number of tabs that appear when you want to “cycle” through open programs. While this feature is particularly useful for “power users”, those people who use several software programs at the same time, Xeno humorously points out that rare are the people who launch 20 applications simultaneously on their PC.

Credit: 123rf

In addition to numerous ergonomic improvements, Windows 11 build 25330 for the Canary channel brings :

  • the Screen Capture tool directly accessible by pressing the Print Screen key
  • a new settings page for the Microsoft Surface Dial
  • the possibility of uninstall camera app

For its part, Windows 11 build 23424 on the Dev channel propose :

  • a new three-column interface for the Widgets panel
  • Adaptive Content Brightness Control in Windows

If all these changes are not for now accessible only to members of the Insider programthey should be made available to the general public during the Moment 3 rollout, which should take place sometime in May 2023.

Source: NeoWin

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