MicroStrategy wants to launch enterprise wallets for Bitcoin and the Lightning Network

Strengthened bonds – If the crypto winter in the Bitcoin (BTC) market is really over, the crypto investment bet of MicroStrategy could be a double win. But the company founded by Michael Saylor does not sit still without doing anything about its treasure of 140,000 BTC. No ! On the contrary, MicroStrategy intends to weigh in on the development of the network Bitcoin and in that of Lightning Network.

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Bitcoin wallets for everyone: MicroStrategy offers

With these gigantic bitcoin investmentscarried out regularly since August 2020, the company MicroStrategy went intimately bound to the fate of Satoshi Nakamoto’s invention. Its action MSTRlisted on the NASDAQ stock exchange, has become a (barely) indirect means of get exposed to bitcoin for wealthy investors.

But Michael Saylor and his group do not intend to stop there. Through a message published on his Twitter account on May 14, 2023, the founder of MicroStrategy explains that they are working to develop crypto wallets dedicated to companies ; this for both main bitcoin networkbut also for its second layer solution (layer 2)THE Lightning Network.

“At MicroStrategy, we are working on a product that provides a Bitcoin wallet and Lightning address to every enterprise account holder. This will make it quick and easy to develop and deploy bitcoin rewards applications for employees, customers, prospects, and partners. »

Tweet by Michael Saylor

MicroStrategy wants to contribute to the development of Bitcoin – Source: Twitter

THE founder of MicroStrategy has moreover himself experienced recently this adoption of Bitcoin’s lightning network. Indeed, just a month ago, Michael Saylor integrated a Lightning Network address into their email address professional. The development of this BTC wallet management platform for companies therefore marks a new stage in MicroStrategy’s adventure in the cryptocurrency sector.

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