Midwife sentenced to 12 years for rape of his patients

A 49-year-old man who worked as a midwife was sentenced to 12 years in prison for 11 "rapes committed by a person abusing the authority conferred on him by his position".

Friday, February 26, a 49-year-old man who practiced the profession of midwife or midwife was sentenced to 12 years of criminal imprisonment for 11 rapes and one sexual assault on female patients by the Hérault criminal court. "Under cover of familiarity, familiarity, this man broke his word he owed to his patients. He made them victims, locked in their guilt. He did not hesitate to take advantage of vulnerable women, pregnant or in full baby blues came to consult for that ", denounced Albert Cantinol, deputy public prosecutor at the Nîmes tribunal de grande instance.

Lionel Charvin, 49, was on trial for "Rape committed by a person abusing the authority conferred on him by his position". In particular, he is accused of having imposed acts of a sexual nature on patients, such as of "massages"of the clitoris, perineum and breasts as well as digital penetrations of the vagina under the pretext of medical procedures. Facts that would have taken place between 2013 and 2016.

The man worked as a maieutician specializing in haptonomy. According to gynecologist and haptonome Denise Bouchut, "in haptonomy, the patient is never naked, we never touch the breasts, we do not massage, we do not insert the fingers into the patient's vagina " and the presence of the father is essential.

"I am stunned and I can't speak anymore. And again I want to apologize to my patients", the accused said before the court. Several of his patients confessed to having been "paralyzed" or "paralyzed" during these rapes and did not dare to say anything at first when they suffer long-term psychological consequences. They all said that their trust in the practitioner had been "betrayed"while they were in a time of great vulnerability.

"Of course, I have heard the sufferings of the patients and I am sorry. I have some responsibility for this suffering, but at no time was it intentional on my part. I loved these patients", assured Lionel Charvin. A psychiatrist, however, described him as a person "perverse" and "an aggressor of opportunity who acts by diverting the trust placed in him"while his childhood was marked by alcoholism, violence and several incest from his father.

I May Destroy You: A series that speaks without filters about the trauma of rape

Video by Loïcia Fouillen

Sarah chekroun

After a master's degree in writing in my pocket, I am now a freelance writer. If my favorite fields are fashion and beauty, I also write articles …