Mika confides in the loss of his mother to whom he was very close: Current Woman The MAG

Mika recently revealed the loss of one of the most important people in his life: his mother, Joannie Penniman. She died after a long battle with brain cancer, "a very large tumor", said the singer at the time: "Extremely aggressive brain cancer". He had left everything aside to take care of her at the time. But he hadn't put all his plans on hold either, pursuing those close to the heart of the one who gave him life. Thus, before leaving, she was able to admire her son during an acoustic concert at the Royal Opera of Versailles. The singer now hopes that this moment has made him proud … At the microphone of RTL, Friday February 26, he confided in his mourning and his pain, but also on the projects he is carrying out in his homage. "For sure, because i lost too someone who had a lot of fun with me, to do projects like this one, like these color initiatives in Paris. I know that this project would have pleased him", he reveals.

"I lost my mother, but also my girlfriend"

With emotion, Mika shared his memories with his mother: "I lost it recently. On the one hand I lost my mother and on the other hand I really lost my girlfriend", he said sadly. Indeed, his mother was present in all the important moments of his life: “My mom and I have been working together since I was seven. When I was kicked out of school, she looked at me and said that if I didn't want to go to school, we were going to work together. Six months later, I find myself singing at the Royal Opera in London, she was the one who trained me, and we continued to work together… " A collaboration that created strong bonds between mother and son. "When we were on a tour, backstage or whatever, people didn't know it was my mom, he confided. We had such a cash report, such a close collaboration that it really wasn't mother and son. "

Read also : Mika: one of his fans claims that the singer saved his life