Mike Tindall: Speaking Silence! On the subject of Prince Harry, he falls silent

Mike Tindall
Meaningful silence! On the subject of Prince Harry, he falls silent

Mike Tindall currently prefers to avoid questions about Prince Harry.

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Mike Tindall is the British royal family’s prankster and never at a loss for a quick-witted answer. But when it comes to Prince Harry, the former rugby pro has become a master dodger.

Normally, jokes and affectionate gossip about the royal family roll easily off the tongue. But in the latest episode of his podcast “The Good, The Bad and The Rugby” Mike Tindall, 44, suddenly seemed unusually monosyllabic. The former athlete was chatting away about Christmas and the year in high spirits at a moment when a question from his co-host James Haskell, 37, seemed to throw him off balance. The braking code word was: Prince Harry.

Mike Tindall suddenly lost his mood to chat

“A lot has changed,” Tindall mused over the past few months, whereupon Haskell followed up: “The King’s Speech?”, alluding to the change in the British throne after the death of Queen Elizabeth, † 96, and the expected first Christmas speech from King Charles, 74. “There’s going to be a lot of firsts. Yeah, go and see,” Mike replied. Which got his giggling friend to ask the cheeky question that literally left Princess Anne’s son-in-law, 72, speechless: “Are you going to put your tail on Harry, walk around him and try… the piñata [bunt gestaltete Figur aus Pappmaché für Partys, die mit Süßigkeiten gefüllt ist; Anmerkung der Redaktion] to smash?”

Mike Tindall: Speaking Silence!  On the subject of Prince Harry, he falls silent

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Silence. Instead, Mike changed the subject and chatted undeterred about his time at the British jungle camp and his fellow campaigners. The Harry theme almost catapulted the episode into oblivion. The Duke of Sussex and his cousin Zara’s husband, 41, were always of the same heart. However, the tide has apparently turned in the meantime.

Distance between Mike and Prince Harry is visible

Already at the thanksgiving service for the queen on the occasion of her platinum anniversary in June 2022, Mike kept a noticeable distance from Prince Harry, 38, and Duchess Meghan, 41. While his wife chatted cheerfully with the Sussexes when leaving the church, the 44-year-old seemed the couple complete to ignore. The following day, according to “Express”, at further celebrations he was heard calling relatives living in the USA a “bastard”. The recently released and highly controversial Netflix documentary “Harry & Meghan” will not have made the otherwise sociable cheerful nature any milder towards the rebellious exile royals.

Proud dad reveals perfect Christmas present for son Lucas

It’s a good thing that he can forget about the inner turmoil of his wife and children for a while. Especially Filius Lucas, 1, always seems to make the stressed dad smile with his little peculiarities. When his pal James, who became a father for the first time in August 2022, was almost relieved to talk shop about the fact that children under three are not yet interested in gifts and that his daughter will probably receive “a box with wrapping paper in it” for Christmas, Mike couldn’t help it best experience with the son man: “I’ll tell you what you can do: Just get a bag of frozen peas, because that’s all Lucas wants. Get out the freezer drawer, bag of frozen peas, pour it on the floor. He has a Playroom full of stuff – not interested. Go to the fridge, take out all the milk, try to break the bottle, spill it all on the floor…”

Note: Even if Mike Tindall has long since stopped laughing with Prince Harry, he has by no means lost the fun he has with his family.

Sources used: The Good, The Bad and The Rugby podcast, express.co.uk


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