Military service model presented: Pistorius wants “the best and the most motivated”

Military service model presented
Pistorius wants “the best and the most motivated”

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For 13 years, those fit for military service have not been registered in Germany. That could soon change. Defense Minister Pistorius is presenting his concept for a new military service model. Although it is based on voluntary participation, it also includes “compulsory elements if necessary.”

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius assumes that his concept of a new military service will mean that 5,000 additional soldiers will be available for the Bundeswehr each year. The aim is to increase this number every year, said Pistorius when presenting his new plan in Berlin. For the new model, the Defense Minister wants to reestablish the registration of those fit for military service, which was suspended 13 years ago. According to him, around 400,000 young men turn 18 every year. This group will be written to and will be required to fill out a questionnaire about their attitude to the Bundeswehr. He assumes that a quarter of them will be interested in joining the Bundeswehr.

“We want the best and the most motivated,” stressed Pistorius. Suitable candidates will be selected after a medical examination. Women will also receive the questionnaire, but they do not have to fill it out. Pistorius stressed that the Basic Law does not provide for compulsory military service for women.

Basic military service should last six months

Those chosen will be able to complete basic military service for six months or sign up for up to 23 months. However, the concept also states: “We want a new model that relies primarily on voluntary service, but also includes compulsory elements if necessary.” According to its own information, the Bundeswehr currently has around 184,000 active soldiers. The aim is to increase the number to 203,000 by 2031.

The Bundestag’s Commissioner for the Armed Forces, Eva Högl of the SPD, welcomed Pistorius’ new military service model and at the same time called for broad support for it. “It can help to address the Bundeswehr’s personnel problems. And it would make an important contribution to our ability to defend ourselves. Because the whole of society must defend our peace, our freedom and our democracy – militarily and civilian,” Högl said in Berlin. Everyone must make a contribution to this. “This requires a modern military service with a combination of voluntary and compulsory service. In the future, this must then apply to all genders,” she added.

Finance Minister and FDP leader Christian Lindner also reacted positively to the military service plans. “Boris Pistorius’ proposal is now a step in the right direction,” Lindner wrote on X. “Instead of a new compulsory service, we should get more people interested in serving in the Bundeswehr and strengthen the reserve. We will now talk about this.”

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