millionaire at 9, this child star worries psychiatrists

A 9 year old boy has made $ 29.5 million through his Youtube channel, he is a real star in the United States and around the world. Child star or child produced, the child psychiatrist sheds light on the dangerous function of such overexposure on such a young child.

The news of the last few days has been rather wacky … Between all the indignation at the Covid-19 and the storming of the Capitol by the pro-Trump in the United States, this is head-turning! Nothing could be more carefree this time: a 9-year-old American YouTuber has made over $ 29 million from his videos and other activities. Ryan Kaji was crowned highest paid youtuber in 2020.

With 27 million subscribers and more than 43 billion views, Ryan tops the Forbes annual ranking for the third consecutive year. Very large numbers for such a young age.

A young boy at the head of an empire

In addition to his Youtube channel “Ryan's world”- in which the young boy mainly performs toy tests, but also playful scientific demonstrations, all staged with his family – Ryan has many sponsors and partnerships. He is also the effigy of a line of merchandise he owns, including clothes, walkie-talkies and toothpaste (yes yes …), as well as hundreds of other goodies.

As if that weren't enough, the boy is the host of his own show “Ryan’s Mystery Playdate”Airing on Nickelodeon, which consists of a series of various challenges and mysteries that Ryan and his family must solve. Although the child is the star on the front lines, it is his father, Shion Kaji, who is his trade ambassador. He's the one running it all, as he runs Sunlight Entertainment, Ryan's next-generation audiovisual production group.

A problematic news

Although the information is extraordinary and makes us open our mouths to reading it, it is disturbing. Let’s not forget that Ryan is only 9 years old. His rise is permanent and he is a real star, with a mind-boggling bank account. His Youtube channel having been opened when he was only 3 years old, the young boy produces almost one video a day. Once again, a deafening number.

Marie-Claude Bossiere, child psychiatrist and psychiatrist at the Maison des Femmes de St-Denis, answered some of our questions on this rather delicate subject. The psychiatrist's reaction to the heat was very telling and largely understandable. One of those first words was “shocked”. Indeed, from a societal and informative point of view, nothing too serious, the info is only surprising. But on the psychological side, this young boy's “job” is absolutely not suited to his age.

What are the dangers of such overexposure?

Marie-Claude Bossiere called Ryan “consumer Product”. Indeed, one can wonder if one would not face a "child produced" rather than a "child star". What the child psychiatrist mainly noted was this "projection in an unreal world, of a loss of contact with reality. It is to be feared that we will take this little one out of his childhood. ” This young boy lives an atypical childhood, deprived of innocence. And that’s where the danger lies. Depriving a child of a normal childhood – we talk about depriving, because it was his parents who started his channel and not himself – can destabilize his whole future, his construction.

The most important questions asked by the psychiatrist are “Does he have a normal childhood? ”,“ Does he play kid games outside of his videos? ” “Does he have any real friends?” “Does he have time to read? Learn to concentrate? ". When you realize the output rate of videos on your channel, you can doubt some answers. Although this kid looks happy and smiling in these videos – because there is a lot worse job in testing games and having your own TV show – when is it for his well-being?

How can this lifestyle affect her future?

Even if its financial and media future is assured, “this young boy might encounter real self-building problems ”, according to Marie-Claude Bossiere. It is from birth until the age of 18 that an individual builds and learns. Ryan's current benefits could unfortunately jeopardize his personal integration.

According to the child psychiatrist, when this child grows up, he may not know the value of things, of life itself. He might not “question nothing"And do nothing"knowledge of poverty, of reality ”. Being bathed in this type of universe so early can be harmful if it is not toxic for a child. The world of consumption, the consumerist society should, according to the child psychiatrist, be kept away from young children. “Minors must be protected by adults ”,“ how can an adult encourage this?"Asks the doctor.

Ryan Kaji could be a victim of frustration in his future. Stealing the childhood of a little one and the innocence that goes with it unfortunately has consequences. Marie-Claude Bossiere accuses the parents without any animosity, who stage their young son and make a product of him. Need investment or simply a lack of values, what are the motivations of his parents? You would think that their child is their source of income. And it’s awful.

Are Ryan's Videos Really Fun for Kids?

The psychiatrist is dubious. “On the one hand, it is interesting and entertaining for a child to watch another child try out toys or even perform science demonstrations. It would make things easier for a child”. On the other hand, Marie-Claude Bossiere thinks it's not necessarily necessary. It is usually adults who teach children.

The other worry, perhaps the biggest one in Ryan's chain, is his addiction. Children of his age or who are close to him will obviously identify with him, or consider him as a big brother. They might think what he is filming is real life. They might just see him, and not be interested in other sources. Of course, it is up to the parents to intervene to ensure that this does not happen.

Although Ryan is a star and offers fun and playful content, his lifestyle can prove to be dangerous for him. There is no right or wrong way to interpret your channels and other shows, you just have to ask yourself the right questions. Marie-Claude Bossiere enlightened us very well about the risks of such overexposure, now it's up to the parents to do the rest!