Mindfulness training: how to live more consciously

With mindfulness training you live more in the moment and forget your worries. We introduce 7 exercises through which you will go through life more consciously.

We rush from task to task, want to make it right. But who often falls by the wayside? We ourselves! In order to keep a clear head in stressful phases and to be able to organize everyday life in a more relaxed way, we should regularly devote ourselves to a small mindfulness training. Through special exercises you train your view of the here and now, which means that worries and fears about the future will not drag you down.

Mindfulness training: why do I need mindfulness anyway?

Mindfulness has almost become a buzzword. But what exactly do you mean by that? This becomes particularly clear when we look at what happens when it is missing.

The opposite of mindfulness is Carelessness. We live more unconsciously and are less attentive. As a result, we tend to overlook important things – mishaps happen, The important blurs with the unimportant.

We only perceive what is happening around us fleetingly. Life just flies by without us really appreciating it. And that's exactly why we all urgently need a good dose of mindfulness. She gives us back awareness of the momentwhich we so often lose due to pressure to perform, demands and expectations. Mindfulness puts you on the brakes shift down a gear and you can enjoy more of what you already have.

Mindfulness Training: What is the Goal?

Does something annoy you that happened in the past? Are you worried about the uncertain future? Through targeted mindfulness exercises, you let go of both – past and future – and find your way back to the here and now. The aim of the mental workout is therefore to consciously concentrate on the current moment and to ignore everything else. The relieves body and mind enormous because a lot of the pressure and tension is releasing from you.

Mindfulness training has one short term effect – You should feel a little more relaxed and relaxed right after the exercise. But We can also feel an effect in the long term: We live more relaxed, are grateful and satisfied with ourselves and our environment.

Try the following seven exercises from: They sharpen your awareness and immediately help you to slow down.

1st exercise: the body scan

The so-called Body scan you not only train your mindfulness – you also improve your own body awareness. And that can never hurt!

During the body scan you practice to focus your attention entirely on your own body and to feel it. This should release tension and blockages and lead to relaxation. There are tons of instructions online that you can use to participate perform lying down (for example this one). Lean back, close your eyes and focus entirely on yourself and your body.

2nd exercise: the breathing check

How do you breathe like that? Few, probably very few, of us become aware of our own breathing. That's okay too – constantly thinking about inhaling and exhaling would overwhelm our thinking apparatus. Still, we should get over ours Breathing technique analyze, because this one has a big one Influence on our well-beingas scientists proved in 2018. Those who take deeper breaths often feel calmer, more balanced and are better able to deal with stressful situations.

The most of us breathe in very shallowly and very briefly. You will feel this mainly in the chest area. But there is also the so-called Abdominal breathing, also known as "deep breathing" in English. Try it out for yourself: Take a deep breath and tense your stomach. When breathing abdominally, the abdominal area bulges slightly.

Crazy: Only with the right breathing can you become calmer in everyday life! In addition, conscious breathing helps you to be more careful with your body. A good mindfulness training that we should practice daily.

Exercise 3: The 3-Minute Mindfulness Challenge

Do you feel overwhelmed and stressed? Then you should try the 3-minute mindfulness challenge. She helps you to slow down in a short timeTo let go of fears about the future and to come back to the current moment. The good thing about it: You can do it anywhere. Even in a group!

And this is how it works: Take three minutes to be undisturbed. Now start your environment very attentive consider. For example, ask yourself:

  • What do you see right in front of you?
  • What colors surround you
  • What do you like about your surroundings?
  • Who are the people here? How do you look?
  • How are you feeling right now?

This little one Situation check trains mindfulness because your focus is consciously directed to the moment in time. By looking at and describing (even if only in your mind) your environment you live completely in the moment and forgets everything else for a short period of time. A simple mindfulness training that is surprisingly effective.

4th exercise: mental photography

Introduce yourself, you could take a picture with your eyes – just because! Exactly this principle is used in Thoughtful photography used. Close your eyes, open them again, and imagine you're taking a picture. Which section would you choose, where does the light fall nicely and what does not belong in the composition? A good mindfulness exercise for creative people – and a real boost for your own mindfulness.

This exercise is so effective that it can also be used in the cognitive therapy is used to help borderline patients in particular who struggle with severe emotional fluctuations. It is great for slowing down very intense negative emotions and getting you out of yourself to get out the stressful carousel of thought.

5th exercise: meditation

The effect of good meditation has now been proven by a large Harvard study: That controlled breathing in an unchanged posture helps us to let go of stress, lower blood pressure and is even said to help with depression.

There are many different types of meditation – there is something for everyone. Do a meditation challenge for a week and meditate for 15 minutes a day. The effect could surprise you very much! For example, the following types of meditation are possible:

  • Walking meditation: Here you consciously concentrate on physical movement while walking.
  • Sitting meditation: You just let your thoughts circulate freely.
  • Guided meditation: A linguistic instruction will help you to control your breathing – great for beginners!
  • Chakra meditation: If you like it spiritually, you should try chakra meditation, which is about balancing our energy centers.

Have you never meditated? Here you can find out how meditation works for beginners.

6. Exercise: Autogenic training

In autogenic training practiced directing and focusing thoughts. That sounds a bit trite at first – but how often does it happen to us in everyday life, that we are not in control of our thoughts? Something stupid happens and we lose ourselves completely in the carousel of negative thoughts. Those who do autogenic training more often are theirs mental reactions are no longer so helplessly exposed and can take better countermeasures.

The training units are carried out sitting or lying down. You will hear instructions on how "I will be perfectly calm" or "My shoulders are getting very heavy." So you deal with your feelings, your well-being and your body very consciously. Autogenic training is offered by many coaches and sometimes even in the fitness study. But you can also find numerous opportunities online to try this mindfulness exercise.

Now you know seven good exercises that could become your future mindfulness training. What can also support you: a positive mindset that keeps negative thinking away. You can also read here how you can strengthen your sense of self-responsibility.

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