Minimalism: This is how you save money with the 30/30 rule and consume more consciously

This is how you save money and consume more consciously with the 30/30 rule

Are your purchases often spontaneous decisions? In the video you can see how you can protect yourself from impulse waste.

Enjoy instead of wasting: Here you will find out a simple trick for making smart purchasing decisions.

In a world where consuming and purchasing products is commonplace, we sometimes lose sight of what is important. Things often end up in our possession that we don’t really need or that don’t make us happy in the long term. But what if there was a way to make more conscious decisions and avoid unnecessary purchases?

Reduce consumption: The 30/30 rule focuses on the essentials

Ready to start shopping more consciously? Then try the simple trick from the video that will direct your view of shopping and consumption in a new direction. You’ll see: It’s not that difficult to completely rethink your purchasing behavior.

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