Minimum wage, pensions, secularism … What the agreement between LFI and the PS contains

Like Europe Ecologie-les Verts and the Communist Party, the Socialist Party (PS) ended up signing an agreement with La France Insoumise (LFI) and now joined the banner “New Popular Ecological and Social Union”, at the condition that the text be approved Thursday by the National Council of the party.

This agreement consists in “federating on the basis of an ambitious program, all the forces which share it, while respecting their plurality and their autonomy”, wrote the two formations in a joint press release.

Among the common proposals that will form the basis of this shared government program, we find several ideas defended by Jean-Luc Mélenchon during the 2022 presidential campaign such as the revaluation of the minimum wage to 1,400 euros net and the organization of a social conference on wages, the right to retire at 60, the freezing of the prices of basic necessities or even the end of the presidential monarchy with the 6th Republic and the citizens’ initiative referendum.

GENDER Equality, Secularism, Education

Regarding gender equality, this agreement aims to impose equal pay at work and to devote one billion euros to the fight against violence against women. Paternity leave will be extended.

On secularism, the agreement aims to defend the secular and universalist Republic, protect freedom of conscience and expression and fight against racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination. The two formations also intend to fight together against communitarianism and the political use of religions.

Regarding education, France Insoumise and the Socialist Party plan to rebuild a “global school” for equality and emancipation with the upgrading and recruitment of staff. As Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants, the reform of the baccalaureate will be abolished, just like Parcoursup. Also, the two parties want to mobilize more young people against school bullying.

“Disobedience” to the European Union and the sovereignty of Ukraine

Negotiations between the Insoumis and the Socialists have long come up against the question of the relationship to the European Union. Despite the contradictions, the two formations said they were “ready not to respect certain rules” of the EU while “working to transform them”.

“The implementation of our shared program will necessarily lead to tensions, to the observation of contradictions. We will have to overcome these blockages and be ready to disregard certain rules, while working to transform them, in particular economic, social and budgetary rules such as the stability and growth pact, competition law, productivist orientations and neoliberals of the Common Agricultural Policy,” the statement read.

Formed by the NUPES, the government will contribute to reorienting European policies and to making lasting changes to European rules and treaties that are incompatible with the social and ecological ambition legitimized by the French.

Finally, on the war in Ukraine, the two formations defend the sovereignty of the country invaded by the troops of Vladimir Putin. On this subject, rebels and socialists are working together to find ways and means to restore peace and preserve the territorial integrity of all countries.

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