Miss France 2023: who is Solène Scholer, the sublime Miss Champagne-Ardenne?

This Friday, October 14, Solène Scholer won the title of beauty queen of the Champagne-Ardenne region. Who is the sublime young woman?

On stage from the Marcel-Schmitt room in Sedan, a town in the Ardennes, five young women marched in front of a very attentive jury this Friday evening. Each sought the title of runner-up. The coveted crown of Miss Champagne-Ardenne was finally won by Solène Scholer. On December 17, the young 20-year-old Châlonnaise will leave the Grand Est region to participate in the long-awaited election of Miss France 2023. Very moved, the medical student in Reims confides for the time being that she is not yet aware to live a real waking dream. “Hearing the cries of my friends and family helped me during the show, she says in an interview with our colleagues from the regional daily The union. I believed in it until the end. In certain choreographies, I felt lost, but I told myself that nothing was decided and that I had my chance.Solène Scholer thus succeeds Lena Massingercrowned last year at the same age.

From the height of her 80 meter, the sublime Miss Champagne-Ardenne radiates more happiness than ever. The competition promises to be tough between the candidates of the Grand Est region a few days before Christmas. Solène Scholer will have to run for the title of beauty queen against Sarah Aoutar, recently crowned Miss Lorraine. Originally from Thionville, the 25-year-old works in the investment fund sector in Luxembourg. Solène Scholer and Sarah Aoutar will finally play elbows with Camille Sedira, new Miss Alsace, also at the age of 20, during the regional election organized in Colmar on September 10th. The business school student will face her classmates at the end of the year near Chateauroux, in Center-Val de Loire. Before the inevitable test of the podium, the candidates will embark for the Guadeloupe around mid-November to prepare for the elections. The tension is about to go up a notch in the tropics!

This controversy which embarrasses the Miss France committee

All is not rosy in the land of miss France, a universe unfortunately tainted by many controversies that ignite social networks. Beauty queens thus indulge in cash revelations about the committee, unexpected and straightforward confidences about a strange case of blackmail. Camille Cerf, beauty queen elected in 2015, took hold of Instagram about the absence of French women in the Miss Universe competition: “I’ll tell you what I think. She already has the radio and going to an international competition means being fully involved in the competition and its activities for a month, so it’s complicated to combine the two. And the other reason I think is the agency that manages us after our reign does a kind of blackmail in international competitions every year to Miss.” She adds : “[Une agence] favors girls under exclusive contract for international competitions.“The Miss France have not finished spilling ink!

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