Miss Marvel is now the highest-rated Marvel project of all time, series and films combined

Full house for Miss Marvel, which ends its first season as the highest rated Marvel series in the history of Disney +. With a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, the series even tops all other MCU films, including Black Panther which stands at 96% positive reviews.

Credits: Disney

Miss Marvel has definitely captured the hearts of fans and critics alike. Since its launch on Disney+, the series has been receiving positive comments on social networks. A month ago, when it was just beginning, it already peaked at 95% positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, the reference site for rating films and series, which made it the highest rated Marvel series. all time. Today, she has achieved the feat of doing even better.

Following the broadcast of the last episode, Miss Marvel has indeed reached 98% of positive opinions. Already colossal, this note is far from trivial since it allows him to exceed Black Panther, which peaks at 96%. Simply put, the series is now the highest-rated Marvel Studios project in all of MCU history. The lowest score for an episode is 92%, while episodes 4 and 5 reach the maximum score.

Miss Marvel is 98% rated on Rotten Tomatoes, amazing!

However, all had not started for the best for Miss Marvel. Indeed, in its infancy, the series was the victim of “review bombing”, a practice which consists in assigning negative ratings en masse to bring down the overall average. A phenomenon expected by Iman Vellani, interpreter of the heroine on the screen, who also recalls that this had also happened to the comics when they were released in 2014.

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“I’m all for constructive criticism as long as people have a legitimate concern or suggestion or something real”explains the actress. “But all the hate I’ve seen has no basis, no merit, it’s just for the sake of hating”. However, Iman Vellani assures that this hatred does not reach him, because the series allowed him to address a whole new audience, which was never represented in Marvel productions until now.

miss marvel rotten tomatoes

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