Miss Marvel is the highest rated Marvel series on Disney+, it’s a hit!

It’s a full box for Miss Marvel, which has been available for a few days on Disney +. Indeed, the series has already obtained a score of 95% on the renowned review site Rotten Tomatoes, which makes it the highest rated Marvel series to date on the platform.

Have you ever had time to watch Miss Marvel, the new series inspired by the comic book universe available on Disney+? If this is not the case, we cannot really blame you since it has only been available for two days. Still, according to Rotten Tomatoes movie reviews, you’re missing out on something. Indeed, the series already peaks at 95% positive opinions.

On the “audience” side, which includes individual users, the score again reaches a colossal score of 84%. Few audiovisual works can boast of obtaining such a high rating on the specialized site, now a reference in the world of cinema and art in general. The creators of the series can therefore already be proud of this performance, but it is not the only one. Indeed, it is the highest rating in the history of the Marvel series.

On the same subject — Miss Marvel: the trailer for the new Disney+ series is here!

Miss Marvel scores 95% on Rotten Tomatoes

Thus, even WandaVision or even Loki, two series yet so acclaimed by critics and fans of the comic book universe, did not manage to reach this score. It would therefore seem that almost everyone agrees that Miss Marvel is the series of the moment on Disney+. If you have not yet had the opportunity to come across it, we can only advise you to check for yourself.

Note, however, that the series has only been available for two days, these very high ratings are of course subject to change. So be careful not to have too high hopes based on the opinion of strangers on the Internet. Still, for the moment Miss Marvel seems to be a safe bet. Let us know what you thought of it in the comments!

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