Missing in California – Actor Julian Sands still missing – News


The Briton has been missing for a week. Bad weather conditions hamper the search operation.

British actor Julian Sands has been missing since last Friday. After a hike in the Southern California mountains, there is no trace of the 65-year-old. Although local police have leads, the search is difficult due to the harsh weather conditions. There is an acute danger of avalanches.

About Julian Sands

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Julian Sands, 65, lives near Hollywood. In his decades-long career he has acted in numerous other films and series in addition to the Oscar-winning «A Room With a View». He has one son with his first wife Sarah Harvey. He has been married to the journalist Evgenia Citkowitz since 1990. Together they have two daughters.

Sands was reported missing by his family on Friday, January 13, according to the San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner’s Department. According to the British newspaper “Mirror”, Julian Sands’ parked car had previously been discovered by search parties sent out in the San Gabriel Mountains, around 65 kilometers northeast of Los Angeles.

Search operation canceled due to storm

The large-scale search operation is difficult. “A search party was sent out, but due to the weather conditions, the action was canceled on Saturday,” the police said in the middle of the week. According to the authorities, helicopters and drones can only be searched for if the weather in the mountainous region of California allows it. The search from the air has since been resumed, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff’s Department confirmed to the Reuters news agency.

On the way Sands was on Mount San Antonio. As reported, the police were able to locate the actor’s cell phone near the mountain. However, further location attempts failed “due to the lack of network and probably an empty phone battery”.

14 missing and two fatalities

The peak is considered popular for hiking in summer but is unsafe in winter. The actor is an experienced mountain hiker. However, local authorities in nearby San Bernadino County recently warned even experienced climbers not to climb the mountain. There were currently “extremely dangerous” conditions due to snow and ice. Local rescue workers have been alerted 14 times in the past month for missing or injured people. Two hikers even fell to their deaths.

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