mixed results of social dialogue among bicycle delivery men and VTC drivers

An agreement intended to “fight against forms of discrimination” towards meal delivery people: this was signed on May 13 by the organization representing delivery platforms and three of the four organizations representing independent workers.

This signature, within the framework of the Social Relations Authority for Employment Platforms (ARPE), could not have come at a better time to highlight its usefulness: from May 22 to 30, 71,000 delivery workers and 51,000 VTC drivers ” assets “ (they must have completed five races per month for three months between July and December 2023) are called to vote to elect their representatives. The first ballot, in 2022, was a failure, only 3.9% of drivers and 1.8% of delivery people voted.

The ARPE was born in 2021 to endorse the third path desired by the government regarding platform workers: self-employed, but who can acquire additional rights through social dialogue.

Difficult dialogue on remuneration

According to the management of the body and the companies, the results are positive: eleven agreements have been signed in a year and a half. “Even if we have to ensure that the agreements are applied by the platforms, which has not always been the case, it is a business that works”, summarizes Michel Yahiel, general director of ARPE. The unions recognize progress in the fight against discrimination and abusive “deactivation” of workers.

On the other hand, the dialogue was much more difficult on remuneration, particularly among delivery people. “Today, to earn as much as a year ago, a delivery person must work two hours more per day,” indicates Fabian Tosolini, national delegate of Union-Indépendants (CFDT). Faced with the recent deterioration in the price of races on Uber Eats in particular, the unions requested an expertise, before resuming negotiations on this subject.

Read also | European Union: agreement on the directive on digital platform workers, without France and Germany

Pierre Delalande, representative of the Association of Independent Platforms, the only employers’ organization on the delivery side (Uber Eats, Deliveroo), and the majority on the VTC side (Uber, Caocao), does not agree: “On VTCs, there is now a minimum income per trip of 9 euros and a minimum income per kilometer, two structuring elements which did not exist before. Ditto with a minimum guarantee of 11.75 euros per hour for delivery people, which we proposed to increase to 14 euros. »

An essential tool

Insufficient for Ludovic Rioux, secretary of the CGT-Livreurs, who has not signed any agreement. “The ARPE just serves to ratify a third status between self-employed and employee, under the labor code. » According to him, remuneration, the transparency of algorithms or the issue of undocumented immigrants – who are very numerous in the sector – could be addressed much better.

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