Miyabi Kawai: "I'm so tired of pretending everything is fine"

Miyabi Kawai
"I'm so tired of pretending everything is fine"

Miyabi Kawai

© imago images

Miyabi Kawai directs frank words to her fans in her current post on Instagram. There are lines that speak from the soul of many people.

Miyabi Kawai, 46, has had enough. Enough of showing yourself strong. Enough of that, as if the life that is happening right now is the new normal. On Instagram, she directs honest words to people and shows her vulnerable side. Something that should be perfectly natural in days of the pandemic.

Miyabi Kawai: "It takes so much strength"

The coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions that come with it have been limiting the world and life as we know it for months. Miyabi Kawai stresses that the measures are correct. What she can no longer accept, however, is the face that everyone is trying to save: "I'm so tired of pretending everything is okay and persevering with a walk between banana bread and home office. It's not. At least not for me, and I count myself among those who have not been hit as hard by the pandemic as all the parents, single parents, children, people threatened by livelihoods, front-line fighters, risk groups, etc … ", the designer writes on Instagram.

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Of course, she also misses her old life, everyday traveling with friends. But all these compromises that she currently has to make are not the trigger for her emotional contribution. What the 46-year-old wants to aim with her lines is rather to set an impulse to allow weakness, fears and worries to be allowed. "Can we stop pretending that being 'strong' just means 'pulling it off' … that's what we're all doing right now. Like we have a choice."

Fans respond positively to the emotional lines

With the words, the TV presenter hits the hearts of many of her followers. Many write that they have "goose bumps" and "tears of emotion". Some describe how alone they felt in the past few weeks with their worries, but never wanted to show them openly. "You really get to the point," writes another user. People are grateful for the honest thoughts Miyabi Kawai shares with theirs.

Sources used: instagram.com
