Mobile or internet plan: canceling your subscription now looks much easier

As part of the bill on purchasing power, the deputies of the National Assembly have presented amendments to revise downwards the costs of termination of mobile or internet plans. They now go further and propose a concrete measure to terminate easily our subscriptions.

The current rise in prices and inflation affects everyone and all sectors of the economy. On the front line in the face of the crisis, French citizens are thus gradually seeing their purchasing power decline. As a result, the deputies of the National Assembly have been discussing for several days the measures to be taken to counter inflation and restore boost to the purses of the French.

As part of the bill on purchasing power, they have already proposed amendments. One of them consists in particular in reducing the termination costs of our mobile or internet plans, in particular by waiving additional fees that are applied to the second remaining year of a contract. This time they go further and offer to make it even easier to terminate our contracts.

You will soon be able to cancel your mobile or internet subscriptions easily and in 3 clicks

Among the very concrete measures discussed by the deputies, one in particular is important. The deputies propose to completely facilitate the termination of our mobile or internet subscriptions. Thus, they propose to impose a “termination button”. The latter will be based in particular on what is currently being done in Germany. It is more concretelya termination of contracts and subscriptions that is done very quickly, in almost 3 clicks. The measurement provides that a decree will be issued to define the terms of presentation and use of this dedicated functionality” also indicated Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy.

This facilitated termination system should therefore allow many people to terminate their subscriptions much more easily than before, given that the practice was quite long and tedious until today. This simplified termination method will concern all online contracts taken out before February 2023. The idea is therefore that it is as simple to subscribe to a contract as to terminate it.

Read also: Mobile plans, the best deals during the 2022 summer sales

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