Mobile telephony: UFC-Que Choisir releases its first barometer of the year


Alexander Schmid

January 20, 2022 at 5:17 p.m.


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© Thirdman / Pexels

Orange, SFR, Free Mobile, Bouygues Telecom: which operator offers the best speeds
and in which areas?

The UFC-Que Choisir publishes this January 20 a performance barometer of the mobile networks of the various operators. The data was collected from the QuelDébit application launched last summer, which offers us its first results.

Orange in the lead

Unsurprisingly, Orange is the speed leader. On average, downlink speeds of 61.5 Mbps and uplink speeds of 12.8 Mbps were measured for the operator.

On download performance, SFR takes second place with 40.7 Mbps, while Free Mobile and Bouygues Telecom are very close to each other at 37.5 and 36.5 Mbps respectively. The gap between Orange and its competitors is substantial.

It narrows when it comes to average upload speeds. Bouygues Telecom reaches 11.1 Mbps, SFR is at 10.6 Mbps and Free Mobile brings up the rear with 8.9 Mbps.

Free impresses in rural areas

In its report, UFC-Que Choisir also compares performance in urban and rural areas. In town, Orange is doing even better than everyone else with 90% of tests exceeding 8 Mbps download speeds. This rate drops to 80% for Bouygues Telecom, and 71% for Free Mobile and SFR.

In the countryside, on the other hand, Orange’s lead is less, beating Free Mobile by only a small point (74% against 73%). The Iliad operator has turned the tide after the failure of antenna sharing negotiations with Orange to improve its network. SFR is at 65% and Bouygues Telecom at 61%.

Finally, UFC-Que Choisir evokes 5G. On average, it provides download speeds of 225 Mbps, compared to 44 Mbps for 4G. But 5G is still difficult to capture because of low coverage, and is not necessarily essential for browsing in good conditions: the proportion of web pages loaded in less than 3 seconds is similar in 4G and 5G.

Source: UFC-What to choose


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