“Mocky was crazy”: Eddy Mitchell’s crazy revelations about the director’s unusual life

During an interview with the JDD on Sunday June 4, 2023, singer Eddy Mitchell, who has also embarked on an acting career in parallel, indulged in a few revelations about Jean-Pierre Mocky.

True living legend of the French music scene, Eddy Mitchell has also embarked on a career as an actor in parallel for many years now, with the same success. As a reminder, the singer had won the César for best actor in a supporting role in 1996, for her performance in the cult film titled Happiness is in the meadow. “I resold or gave away all my music wins and gold records. On the other hand, my César, I kept it but I don’t know where it is…“, revealed Eddy Mitchell in an interview with the JDD on Sunday June 4, 2023.

During this same interview, the actor, who had the opportunity to shoot under the direction of Jean-Pierre Mocky in his lifetimeclaimed that the filmmaker was “crazy“.”I will always remember a sequence in City for sale [1992]with Serrault who found me too heavy and Bohringer who had a bad back when they had to get rid of my body after killing me! I can still hear Mocky telling them ‘Come on, quicker guys, I have another movie to make!’. No, he was crazy. Did you go to his house? The tiny front door, the bars on the windows… All this so that the bailiffs can’t take anything from him!“, revealed Eddy Mitchell.

Eddy Mitchell: “What I liked about Cannes were the presence of Harrison Ford and Martin Scorsese”

Asked about director Justine Triet, who won the Palme d’or at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival, Eddy Mitchell was quite tough on the French filmmaker. “This girl is thinking about her retirement, she doesn’t interest me. I’m not going to see his movie. What I liked about Cannes were the presence of Harrison Fordby Martin Scorsese“, indicated the singer. “I’m an actress, not a producer or director. So, sorry if I prefer to keep my innocence, but we’re tired of controversy. I haven’t seen his films. I’m not sure that his statement makes us want to discover them“, added for her part the actress Sabine Azéma, who gives the reply to Eddy Mitchell in his last film.

About the Author

Clement Machetto Passionate about sport, and more particularly football, basketball and wrestling (thank you Canal+!), Koh-Lanta is for me the essential program on French television. In the past, I was also an avid viewer of Star Academy on TF1, but also of the Saturday trilogy on M6. Today the world of the media no longer has any secrets for me… or almost.

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